Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merchant Action Product Tracker beta is live

For the first time ever Merchant Action Product Tracker has seen the world yesterday. It's currently hosted on Google App Engine hosting (AppSpot): http://merchantaction.appspot.com/
It will eventually show on its own domain.

The first frustration I have is that Product Tracker with its fairly optimized data model consumes free Google Hosting limits almost instantly. I'm forced to start paying for the AppSpot hosting. Since the services are provided free of charge, the money goes out of my pocket.

Hosting it to serve single client's needs would still be inexpensive, but having a 1000 clients may skyrocket the bills. I guess, scalability can sometimes be spoiled by feasibility.

I'm currently considering alternative solutions such as AppScale over a regular virtual server. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merchant Action beta is to be released within a few days

Hello, everyone. I'm pleased to announce that the first Merchant Action beta version is about to be released. It's working fine locally. A few final adjustments need to be done for a public use. Please stay tuned!